
Showing posts from November, 2020

Metaverse Technology

  Metaverse Technology Metaverse Technology Introduction: Metaverse is the digital reality that combines features of social media, online games, Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cryptocurrencies to allow users to interact virtually. Metaverse is a digital representation of people, places, and objects. In other words, a digital world with real people represented by digital objects. The real unpopularity of taxpayers we see covers visual features, sound, and other sensors in real-world settings to improve user experience. On the contrary, virtual reality is completely real and enhances the myths of myth. At the heart of it is the idea that, by creating a greater sense of “real existence” online communication can be much closer to personal communication experience. History of Metaverse Technology: In 1992, Author Neal Stephenson coined the term Metaverse in the science fiction novel “Snow Crash” in which he imagined life-like avatars mingling in 3D real estate and


  WFH has some advantages like you don’t have to get ready everyday wakeup early, catch bus /cab face traffic etc. but i am not happy. Feeling like i live for my job wake up to do my office work then sleep. Manager extends working hour as we are working from home, even after doing all the work. Don't have anybody to talk no chai sutta break noting. Waiting when will they get me back to office WFH is very boring but thanks to my pet he keeps me active all day If you want this type of job check your eligibility in this test we are providing link in the below


  Most of these hostels are maintained by other, I mean who took it for rent and maintaining it as paying guest. If there are no tenants then these people won’t get money and will fail to pay the rent to building owner. Then these paying guest buildings will become residential buildings. Now comes to the owners, who running the paying guest. These people are migrants, they will move to their hometowns because due to work from home crowd moved to their places. This will create opportunities to start new businesses in villages or remote cities.


 I have seen even experienced people getting bogged down by work from home. There are a lot of factors you cant control, but if you can try and control at least some aspects so that you don’t go nuts. The things i mention below is not possible for everyone to do and i understand that. But in your capacity try and do whatever possible. So first of all thank you so much. In the last 4 months i lost my workout schedule as i suffered a small accident at home, thankfully i am all ok now and eager to start back up. Second, i finally got a new laptop cooling pad. Third, i got a new laptop, a new chair, a new gamepad and a new mousepad to my list. I left PUBG in June as i got bored, back to PC gaming. The best part is the performance of the new laptop If you want this type of job check your eligibility in this test we are providing link in the below


  Permanent work from home is one of the best things to happen for the companies. They are going to be saving tons of money over employees not coming to the office. For most employees, permanent work from home will help them save tons of money too. Travel, stay in the metro cities, miscellaneous Expenditure would be cut down. While in the short-term this seems ideal, in the long term it may have disastrous effects. Humans are social animals. The interactions beyond work in the offices help people maintain their sanity. With the prolonged isolation in homes, it may start to show certain ill effects down the road. Of course these are avoidable by maintaining a healthy social life out of work but for most working professionals at least during the weeks office colleagues are their only social circle. So yes there are pros and cons to permanent work from home. Time will tell which ones outweigh the other. If you want this type of job check your eligibility in this test we are providing link


  There are very fewer perks of working from home compared to the downsides. Let's have a look on downsides: Gone are the days where we used to chill with our colleagues There is no certain time you are asked to be prepared for a call. Anytime of the day they can ask for a call ruining personal space There is no break time anymore because you never know when message pops up on teams for a unplanned meeting You won't have extra time to cook or eat properly at home whereas at office you had lunch break or tea breaks dedicatedly For each doubt you get on a call taking more time than required therefore reducing productivity People ruin their health staring at their systems whole day Specially for inductees joining there are very less chances that they will meet new people and make new friends or connections. It's harder to get on board with new team There is no personal space any longer. Your day starts by staring at the systems and ends the same way Login and logout time are f


  Iam a software developer, so I use to develop codes in night or early morning and enjoy my time by watching movies/Series during office hours. Now there is no hesitation to reach office at 10 Am in this Summer and I am free from traffic and pollution out there on the way(heard pollution level is low now). My mind is calm and skin is getting clear and health is improved. Money which I used to spend on outside food and travel is saved I am becoming best cook now(I love cooking so i am experimenting new stuffs in kitchen) If you want to this type of jobs check your eligibility in this test link given in the below


  Since March, I'm working from home. No traffic jams, no hostel food and no home sickness.. I have changed my organization in June, got good offer. For me less work and more family time. I have saved a good amount of money while being at home and Bought a new car and learnt driving … :) Had many trips, festivals and celebration with family… If you want to this type of job check your eligibility in this test we are providing link in the below


  There is still no confirmation that when we will go to office. If I check my mailbox, I got a confirmation till NOV end currently, So till NOV, everyone will be working from home. But I still believe that, Work from home will continue till outside situation comes back to normal. I am from Mumbai and here in Mumbai we can see that patients are also more. So getting out for office is little risky and IT cares for all employees a lot, They will never ever call people to office until and unless the condition becomes normal :) I know many people blame IT for salary, promotions, etc. I even do the same. But Coming to Health , IT cares for everyone in the company regarding the health issues :) So work from home will continue till all the situation come back to normal, So no FIX date as of now. If you want this type of job click on the below link and attend the test and check your eligibility.


  A good percentage of my IT & non IT friends left Bangalore last month as they've been asked to work from home till year end or until further notice. In select cases, the company is providing support to setup office at home with desk, table and other accessories. The problem is with start-up’s as there's a lot of collaboration required and it is encouraged that people should come to office (if possible) in rotation shift.  Many IT companies are even exploring the option to have work from home as permanent method in near future. It makes sense from costing perspective as even a single seat in the office is an expense for the company and if the employee is able to bring same level of efficiency while working from home what's the harm.  With covid-19 pandemic, the IT employment setup is changing in an unexpected way.  World has changed around us and even employment format is going to change a lot in near future. With this shift some businesses will fall and new ones will


  During the last 8 months, I have been working from home. I have seen that there is no drop in the efficiency with which I was working. Neither has been the case with my team. There is an invisible disadvantage. We lose touch with our colleagues outside our direct work stream. As a result, we don't know what all is happening where. In pre covid world, you could network easily. You could know what is happening in other tech stacks and see how together you can create a better product for the customers. The employees, as well as the employer, are at a big disadvantage here. We have lost the ease with which we could develop professional and/or social contacts. The impact of this second thing will be more permanent. You can’t see it immediately, but in the long term, companies and individuals will suffer because of it. You want this type of jobs click on the below link and attend it


  Working from Home has its benefits- you can work longer and be more productive. You get to spend more time with family. This is also very good for married women who can get to spend time with their children. You can save travel time and feel more fresh. But these are small positives compared to the problems. Working in an office has other advantages [apart from comfort and productivity] which you can’t get in your home: 1. You get to network with your team and other teams. This is the best way to build new connections to help in your career growth. 2. Working in office, its easy to assess the performance of your reports. I can see for myself who is actually working and who is whiling away their time. 3. Working in office creates a boundary between your work life and personal life. You can plan your tasks for the day based on your office timings. Is this possible when you are working remote?. 4. For a fresher , it becomes very difficult to start his career working out of home.


  Is work from home really  a good option for IT employs Absolutely. I will give you some stats I am paying around 30K rent 20K grocery and outside snacks. 10K helper and recharges Petrol and bike maintenance : 10K. Eventually I pay 70K. If I move to hometown permanently then it will be 20K + living opportunity with parents. Further it saved 3-4 hours each day. If you want to continue like this job check your eligibility in this test we are providing link in the below


  I don't know much about other companies. Since, I am working in Infosys. So, I can tell you what is happening here in Infosys.  As we all know, government has allowed IT companies to allow 33% of their workforce to work from office. IT companies are now allowing employees to work from office.  Now, coming to Infosys, the management has divided the employees coming to office into four phases, we will see what these four phases are. Phase 1 For those projects where clients didn't allowed the employees to work from home at any cost, the employees from these projects has been kept into phase1, and they have been going to office since last two months. And will continue to do so. Phase 2 Employees who are able to come to office, like people living in green zones and are living nearby the office premises are now allowed to come to office. Phase 3 and Phase 4 Employees who went to their homes and are living in Red zone areas, are till now not allowed to work from office. They are wor


  Nobody would ever have thought this “WFH” will become a new normal. It has been around seven months since IT employees are working from home. Initially, it was for 3 months (April, May, June), and got extended further. In my case, the WFH is extended till March of 2021. Being working from home for the last 7 months, I can share my thoughts on this: Good Thing,  Those who were living in other cities than their hometown got an opportunity to stay continuously for this long with their family. You have your own space, that allows concentrating better on any particular work. Flexibility - You can be a little flexible for timings if your company allows. Bad Thing It is really difficult to sit and work for 9 hours in your home environment Coordination - It has become a long process than before. Earlier you can go and ask your query from any members directly. Now you know how it goes. Meetings - There is ’n’ number of meetings. There is a meeting even to discuss how to increase your producti


 Being a IT Employee in Bengaluru I am happy to work from Home ! So its been 6 months , me and my wife working from home. I stay with my parents and wife in Bengaluru. As I stay with my parents I didn’t go anywhere outside like my hometown or something , so in home only from 6 months. Only concern I was facing initially is balancing working time. But after sometime, I made rule to myself that I wont work after my working hours. My work timing is 8am to 5pm, so by 5 pm I will be out of work. Iam able to spend more time with my family so that’s a great thing.


 Fast forward to today, and the benefits of remote work are echoing around the world with incredible force. For many, it’s now a matter of public health – even life or death. I’ve often said my favourite title is ‘Mom’. But a close second to that is ‘remote worker’. That’s because the second title has augmented the first. Unlike a lot of moms in the corporate sector, my work arrangement has allowed me to be around for my children. Over the weeks leading up to the Coronavirus lockdown, I witnessed a steady stream of office memos go out to staff describing the urgent need to self-isolate and to execute as much of our jobs from home as possible. For many, it’s been a liberating experience. Like me, they can enjoy breakfast with their children,  work in comfortable clothes, and get more done with fewer distractions. If you want this type of life you can apply this jobs for this check your eligibility in this test we are providing link in the blog


  Is 40k a good salary for fresher in India? It depends on your background like from which college you got graduation degree, your branch etc but yes it is definitely not a bad salary for fresher in India. If you are a moderate person and lives in metro city, you will definitely end up with 20k saving per month. In India, there are engineers who start their career with 12k to 15k per month even in metro city in the hope that they will learn from practical problems and later will get good hike or will switch company with good pay. One of my friend too has stated their career from 16k per month at MNC 2 years ago. His CTC was 2.4 lac per annum at the time of joining but he worked hard and recently he switched company with 7 lack per annum  salary. So If you are fresher and thinks that your pay is not enough then work hard, learn good skills while working and switch the company. You will definitely end up with better salary.


I am an IT employee with two years of experience in this field and have been working from home since 20th March 2020. I consider myself lucky to be in such a profession, that has the liberty and flexibility to work from home. When the lockdown started, a lot of employees did shift to work from home culture initially but everyone got called back once the unlock procedure started. IT employees are a lucky few who are still working from home. However life isn't as rosy as it seems, even while working from home since there have been a few added headaches too. I would like to call the current situation, a mixed bag of emotions for me. The worst thing about working from home is obviously the work. While working at office I had the liberty to take a lunch break, go for a walk during the evening and limited myself to 9 hours of work only. Things have worsened once work from home started. I am waking up each day seeing my computer and going to sleep seeing my computer only. I am having lunc


 I have always wished to work from home for 2–3 days not 2–3 months unless I am with my family. Now I am really frustrated , you can see the condition of my system. Never thought I would use my mini fridge this way . Earlier I had to work for 8 hrs at office and forget the office tension there itself . Now It's like you can expect a call anytime . More than work , daily status update calls happen which are unavoidable. But yeah , power gone,no network etc are some options to escape . But for how long ? Overall my experience is not as expected may be due to long duration . Hope it ends soon . And I know very well once the work from office starts I'll start missing work from home.


Work from home:  My friend Rajesh is from Banglore . As an ordinary office worker, his salary is only Rs 20,000 per month. But he can make more than Rs 100,000 per month with his mobile phone. It makes his life better, and his friend are envious of him. Another friend of mine, Prakash, is a businessman. His income is about Rs 2,50,000 per month. However, after making money with his mobile phone, his actual income is higher. As long as he wants, he can earn Rs 20,000 with a phone anytime and anywhere.


  Work from home (WFH) or remote work is becoming increasingly popular with a many companies. However, not all WFH opportunities are created equal. Every company has a different opportunities:  some might allow you to WFH a few days a month, some might hire you as a remote member of an in-office team, others might be completely distributed, in which every single employee works remotely. It is this last category of companies that are both completely remote and distributed that allow the most opportunity to take advantage of remote work. Employees with this lifestyle can travel the world as they work full-time, move with a spouse on a moment’s notice, and often set their own hours based on when they work best. At the same time, they are not cut off while the rest of the team is still in the office. However, working on a team that is both remote and distributed is also the hardest option to find. There are few companies that actually maintain this work style after moving past a certain nu


 Like it or not, many of us are working from home right now and while the circumstances are unfortunate we have to make the best out of our current situation. You might have had to quickly improvise a temporary work from home and it might be nice to take some time to make it as pleasant and as practical as possible. If you have a home office that means most of the basics are already in place and adding a few extra details and finishing touches shouldn’t be difficult. With that in mind, we’d like to share with you today some design and decor ideas that we came across on Instagram. We hope they can inspire you to work from home more enjoyable, even if it’s temporary. A desk or a table, a comfortable chair and a few assessors  is all you need to make yourself a little home office, a space where you can work from. Add a table lamp, put up a painting or a poster and look around for other finishing touches you could add to the space. Let this lovely space. Every workspace needs at least a bi