Metaverse Technology

  Metaverse Technology Metaverse Technology Introduction: Metaverse is the digital reality that combines features of social media, online games, Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cryptocurrencies to allow users to interact virtually. Metaverse is a digital representation of people, places, and objects. In other words, a digital world with real people represented by digital objects. The real unpopularity of taxpayers we see covers visual features, sound, and other sensors in real-world settings to improve user experience. On the contrary, virtual reality is completely real and enhances the myths of myth. At the heart of it is the idea that, by creating a greater sense of “real existence” online communication can be much closer to personal communication experience. History of Metaverse Technology: In 1992, Author Neal Stephenson coined the term Metaverse in the science fiction novel “Snow Crash” in which he imagined life-like avatars mingling in 3D real estate and


I am an IT employee with two years of experience in this field and have been working from home since 20th March 2020. I consider myself lucky to be in such a profession, that has the liberty and flexibility to work from home. When the lockdown started, a lot of employees did shift to work from home culture initially but everyone got called back once the unlock procedure started. IT employees are a lucky few who are still working from home. However life isn't as rosy as it seems, even while working from home since there have been a few added headaches too. I would like to call the current situation, a mixed bag of emotions for me. The worst thing about working from home is obviously the work. While working at office I had the liberty to take a lunch break, go for a walk during the evening and limited myself to 9 hours of work only. Things have worsened once work from home started. I am waking up each day seeing my computer and going to sleep seeing my computer only. I am having lunch and dinner while attending meetings sitting in front of the computer. On certain days, I am required to pull off 12–14 hours at a stretch. Many a days, I had to skip lunch as well. Just because I have a computer at my house doesn't necessarily mean I am available to work 24x7. But at least the upper management and the clients seem to have assumed it that way only.

Besides the additional work pressure, there has been ergonomic discomforts too. Working for long hours at a stretch really takes a toll on the body and I am not proud to say this but at the age of 24 only, I have started to experience back problems. I have purchased an ergonomic chair specifically for that purpose but it offers very little comfort.

Previously at my work place, I used to take a walk every evening for 10–15 minutes. But now due to back to back meetings and additional work pressure, the only time I get off is after logging off for the day which is around my bed time already. So I have little scope of going out for a walk. I try to go out during the weekends and have a proper walk but that isn't regular. So that's where the problem lies. On the other hand, due to lack of exercise, I am getting more fat day by day and that is not a healthy thing. I've bought a treadmill for the family during this lockdown so that we can at least have the minimal amount of exercise but the only time I manage to use it is during the weekends.

However like I said, it has been a mixed bag of emotions. Besides the bad stuffs, there have good things too because of the work from home. Like many others, Working from Home actually lets me stay at home with my family. Its true that I hardly get time to spend with them while working but I still get more time now compared to the time I used to spend previously. So yes, that is a bonus!

I am an IT employee with two years of experience in this field and have been working from home since 20th March 2020. I consider myself lucky to be in such a profession, that has the liberty and flexibility to work from home. When the lockdown started, a lot of employees did shift to work from home culture initially but everyone got called back once the unlock procedure started. IT employees are a lucky few who are still working from home. However life isn't as rosy as it seems, even while working from home since there have been a few added headaches too. I would like to call the current situation, a mixed bag of emotions for me.

The worst thing about working from home is obviously the work. While working at office I had the liberty to take a lunch break, go for a walk during the evening and limited myself to 9 hours of work only. Things have worsened once work from home started. I am waking up each day seeing my computer and going to sleep seeing my computer only. I am having lunch and dinner while attending meetings sitting in front of the computer. On certain days, I am required to pull off 12–14 hours at a stretch. Many a days, I had to skip lunch as well. Just because I have a computer at my house doesn't necessarily mean I am available to work 24x7. But at least the upper management and the clients seem to have assumed it that way only.

Besides the additional work pressure, there has been ergonomic discomforts too. Working for long hours at a stretch really takes a toll on the body and I am not proud to say this but at the age of 24 only, I have started to experience back problems. I have purchased an ergonomic chair specifically for that purpose but it offers very little comfort.

Previously at my work place, I used to take a walk every evening for 10–15 minutes. But now due to back to back meetings and additional work pressure, the only time I get off is after logging off for the day which is around my bed time already. So I have little scope of going out for a walk. I try to go out during the weekends and have a proper walk but that isn't regular. So that's where the problem lies. On the other hand, due to lack of exercise, I am getting more fat day by day and that is not a healthy thing. I've bought a treadmill for the family during this lockdown so that we can at least have the minimal amount of exercise but the only time I manage to use it is during the weekends.

However like I said, it has been a mixed bag of emotions. Besides the bad stuffs, there have good things too because of the work from home. Like many others, Working from Home actually lets me stay at home with my family. Its true that I hardly get time to spend with them while working but I still get more time now compared to the time I used to spend previously. So yes, that is a bonus!

There have been some deductions in expenses too. I used to spend around Rs 2,000 for traveling to and from office. About 3.5 hours were wasted daily while traveling both ways. Although that saved time is being devoted to the extra office meetings but I am saved from the humid, sultry conditions outside. Traveling in public transport in Kolkata for two hours after changing three times is nothing short of a punishment and I'm really thankful that I am able to avoid that now.

So you see, there is a good side too while working from home. If it wasn't for the huge work pressure, I would want this work from home culture to continue forever. But the work pressure, work-life imbalance and the ergonomic discomforts are not the only cons of work from home. There is a funny side too. My neighbors think that I have lost my job during the pandemic as probably my company had fired me. Everytime my neighbors see my mom, they ask when will I rejoin office, why did I lose my job or why was I sitting idle at house. We tried explaining how work from home works in the IT industry but that is something out of their understanding.

I think it would further come off as a shock to them since the new company that I'll be joining next month has announced work from home till Summer next year. Probably I need to start dressing up in formals and go outside at least once a week to let my neighbors know I still have a job.


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